Monday, October 29, 2012

PadPrompter Review


If you like me and you need an end of year tax deduction check out this new product. It's called the Pad Prompter. It's Teleprompter that uses an IPad as it's main monitor and script source. It is small, compact and portable. It weights about two pounds in its own case... About the size of a 15 inch laptop case. 

Constructed of hard plastic and real 70/30 beamsplitter glass as opposed to acrylic. It features Side panels, lens hood and a form fitting bottom for an iPad to securely sit in. It either comes with hardware for 15 millimeter rails systems or for attachment to tripod or light stand. 

The Pad Prompter utilizes teleprompter apps from the app store. 
I have used this prompter and it works great in the field. The words are visible and clear. 

If your a small business owner who wants to Vlog or a fellow video pro like myself and you are looking for a lower cost option to traditional Teleprompters... You should check it out for yourself at

I am very impressed with the quality, the functionality, the convenience and the price of the Pad Prompter. 

Kevin Hill
Igigo Communications


  1. Could you explain how you attach it to a light stand? I got the same one, and am using it with an old tripod at the moment, but this tripod is falling apart and I want to use one of my light stands. I just don't know what I need to attach it. Am I just a moron here? :)

    1. No Problem, you need a light stand with a treaded tip like this one
      If you do a search you should be able to find an adapter.
      How do you like the PadPrompter?
